Saturday, August 2, 2008

Update - Aug 2

Aug 2
Hi everyone! Sorry for not blogging for a while! Ok, lots to share. First, remember that project that the Bishop thought that Christine and I would be perfect for? Well we went to go see the other compound. It's a 2 minute drive from this compound and it's really cute and small. I have drawn a Visio schematic of it. Sorry for not uploading pictures to Facebook. Our internet connection is really really slow and unstable. How unstable is it Juan? It's SO couldn't put a horse in it!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah! I still got it baby! Currently, the compound is being rented to a company that houses refugees, but the contract is ending within the next few months, so we're making preparations to make it a center for street kids and stuff. I am actually quite excited about the project. I thought I'd be more afraid.

With God's help, we have had success with the IT improvements. I discovered what was slowing down the Linux server and fixed it. We tested all the network switches, replaced a buggy patch panel and reclipped one of the main network wires. It's been fun learning about network stuff. I have been assigned to oversee the IT department and enforce standards. I spend the mornings at IT and the rest of the day doing service, so it's a nice balance. The IT guys are cool.

Yesterday, at 4am, we had an awesome private mass with the Bishop. It wasn't really private, but since no one wanted to wake up that early, only 7 people showed up, so it seemed private. It was so cool. It was really quiet and we used only 3 or 4 candles for light. Truth be told, I didn't want to wake up that early, but Christine really wanted to go, and I'm so glad she pulled me out of bed becuase it was the most beautiful mass I've ever been to. When he gave the sermon, we all sat together on floor and listened. Bishop Paul is so sweet. Despite his high position in the Church, he loves to laugh tease every one of us. Sometimes I find myself forgetting he's a Bishop and poking fun at him and asking him to give me high-fives. The other servants are a-Paul-ed by my behaviour :) Anyways, later on that day, he said he really liked having me at the early morning liturgy, especially my snoring (he was joking of course).

Our friends Tamer and Sherry had their baby last night! Woo-hoo! Her name is Angelina. She's super cute. We had real scare this morning though. At about 3am, Sherry went into emergency surgery due to post-delivery complications. She lost about 3 litres of blood. All of the servants (who were awake) gave blood to save her. During her surgery, Sherry said that she could SEE Pope Kyrolos (our former Pope who is a Saint) beside her bed. She also felt the hand of Christ opening up her throat when she couldn't breathe. Amazing. She is doing well today.

I am struggling getting up early enough for quiet time. I only manage to do it once a week :( I had quiet time this morning and admitted to my Heavenly Father that I am not good at quiet time. In fact I told him I think I might be the worst at it. Then I told him that seeing as how it is written "whoever is first shall be last and whoever is last shall be first", then it stands to reason that "whoever is worst shall be best", right Father? I think He got a good chuckle out of that :)

I made a really good friend here. His name is Peter and he's a lot like me (so sad, I know). He was in Nigeria for 3 weeks, and just got back here 3 days ago, and is leaving tonight :( He is from Chicago and says he is having trouble deciding whether to serve here or in the US. I hope he comes back.

The two Kenyan servants, David and Brian, and I have become really good friends. I love those two crazy kids.

Yesterday, we went to the slums to visit our friend Beatrice and her two kids. I took a matatu (bus) for the first time. It was cool. It cost 20 shillings (about 30 Canadian cents). The matatu is a busted up minivan with a mega sound system. The driver was blasting hip-hop music. We brought food for Beatrice and her 3 kids. When we got to her house, she was not there and the youngest one was crying. We tried to console him, but he only stopped crying when I offered him a cookie. The visitation was nice. I showed one of them a 'disappearing coin' magic trick. He quickly figured out the trick and then stole my coin. I guess he showed me a 'disappearing coin' trick :) At the end of the visitation, we all said a prayer for Beatrice and her family. I was the last to pray. During my prayer, Peter started snoring aloud. I tried hard to control my laughter, but couldn't, so I just said Amen, and then everyone burst into laughter. It was hilarious. We woke Peter up and he was so embarrased. But the Lord works in mysterious ways - this was the first time we had ever seen Beatrice laugh out loud.

Manny, thanks for commenting on the blog. I miss you bro. Your comment was funny. Sorry to hear about your trip being cancelled. Nashi is learning to drive, on the beemer? That sounds about as foolish as learning how to drive standard on a brand new car (haha). Say hi to Nashi.

Shawn, how is the Subaru? How is the CEHM system doing?

Can someone from St Mina Church comment on the blog? I'd like to know how you all are.

Carm, the weather is getting better. We don't need anything except your prayers. How is my little Mocushla doing? Say hi to Jeju. Want to take a trip to Zanzibar? We'll need to get out of Kenya in October or January.

My TransCanada crew:how are you? How is the SCADA system? I hope the new hires are making the job easier. Anything new and/or exciting? Bobby, why haven't you commented on the blog? I thought we was tight yo :) Cynthia, thanks for reading the blog and thinking about us :) Rick, any NEW jokes? I need some for the kids. If you read the blog, please make a comment, even to say hi - it means more than you know.

Mom and Dad. I was showing my friends pictures of our trip to Nanaimo. They thought Nanaimo was beautiful. I miss you. Please comment on the blog and tell me how you are doing.

Tia, how are you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while. Please let me know how you are. How is abuela? Say hi to Jim.

Alex, I'll try to post some pictures. The trouble is that it isn't easy to take pictures of the slums because the people are very sensitive to their condition, and I'll probably get my camera stolen. How are you doing?

Uncle Said, thanks for the blond joke. According to your comment, you probably won't read this, so I am typing in vain.

That's all for now. Take care of each other. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

The work you are doing is amazing. "Blesses are those who read and do not say"

Anonymous said...

I meant "Blessed"

Femmes Singapore said...

Hello! 4am mass? that's madness! I am sometimes up at that crazy hour but it's due to teething. Mikaela has two teeth coming in at the top, poor kid, she's not sleeping or eating very well this week. Otherwise all is good. Jeju had an exam due this morning, so he pulled an almost all-nighter, yikes! I don't think my body can handle that these days. I am now wearing glasses (but only on the days i go to work) because my vision is really going:( Jeju is off to London next week for school, so M and I are heading off to Malaysia for a couple of days. Mom and dad are well and we finally skyped with Manno yesterday. That's the update from here. Big hugs and kisses to you both. The stable joke...I had explain it to Manny...not a good sign :P

Deener said...

Hey guys! Its Nadine!!! (claudine and marc's sis). I just read your most recent posting! Juan! you kill me! I truly appreciate the stable joke! ha ha I'm glad to hear you're doing well and i'm praying for you guys! What you are doing is absolutely amazing!! :) God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I miss you soo much, we all do!!!!!!

I just want to go on record as having said that, by far, my favorite story is the one about the goats :) Love youuuuu :) keda kwayess ya tontontiiii :) no but seriously i really like reading about all that is going on over there. it sounds like a completely different world. I am actually surprised that the community there is that big, i thought it would be very small with very little means to live!! I am glad you are ok and that you are getting used to it. I hope the cold goes away sooon. I miss you soo soo soo much. My lunchtimes are empty now!!! Oh so empty :( yes, i am over-dramatizing, but it is TRUE!!!!!
Take care and please pray for me while you are there, it seems you are where the miracles happen ;)

Love you guys xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo ---- xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Juan,

It is good to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor. Just so you know, I read your "unstable" joke out loud to everyone here in Fairmont for my annual golf trip (Bobby, Long, Kehoe, Francine, and Long's friend Dave), and your joke was met by blank stares from everyone.

It must have been the way I read your joke, because I thought it was funny. Not as good as your "cheesy" joke, but good nonetheless.

Like you, I am disappointed that Bobby hasn't left a comment yet. However, I spoke to him and now understand that it is because you never paid off your JDC debt to him.

Anonymous said...

JUANCHO! I have commandeered Mike's MacBook..HAHAHA..."Damn you Mike Lee!". Sorry for the delay. I am really glad that you are enjoying your experience in Africa. The world is a better place day by day, thanks to you and Christine. Good to hear that the IT department at your compound is making use of your computer skills. I only hope they realize they will be infected with the dreaded "Juan de virus" just as we did. The pregnancy scare was a good read! By the way the JDC still hasn't been paid yet and it's not going anywhere thanks to permanent marker. Christine: Keep count for me! Take care you too and keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

HI guys!! I just read your blog for the first time (that's my confession to you), but I couldn't stop reading till I read EVERYTHING. Guys, you are amazing and are missed so much. I feel so foolish because all I do is complain over here.....God Bless you two. I love you and miss you so much!

Shawn Learn said...

The "Roo" as we call it is good, Emily has driven it only once though (in a parking lot). We keep saying that we will go have her practice with the standard transmission, but we never have the time. CEHM is holding on strong, I am adding cause codes to the events table (I have a cool popup on the events editor page that gives a tree structure to pick a cause code). It is fun to do something different than I have been for a while. You guys sound like everything is going well. I have always wanted to see Lake Victoria, I hear the falls are spectacular. Well I have to go, Em is meeting me in the TCPL lobbie.