Monday, November 3, 2008

Update - Nov 4


Hey guys,

sorry we haven't blogged in a while! we really don't have too much to share these days. Juan is unfortunately sick again but it's nothing serious, it's just a stomach flu. The interesting thing is our friends Mikey, Mina, Sherry and Sherine are also sick. How did they get it you ask? well ALLEDGEDLY, I cooked my famous fish on Saturday night and ALLEDGEDLY, that fish may have been bad and ALLEDGEDLY, I single-handedly took out half the missionary team...ALLEDGEDLY!!!!! ok, but serisouly I'm not sure if my fish had anything to do with all of them getting sick all at once but I do feel pretty bad. Juan is feeling better today than he was yesterday though so don't worry about us.

Otherwise things are going well here. Still going on visitations during the week and we're starting to make friends at the houses we visit. Some of them even starting coming to church on Sunday. It's encouraging to see!

We have some vacation booked for later on this month which we're very excited about! Tomorrow, we will be going to Mombasa which is a little tourist-y city on the coast of Kenya. All-inclusive BABYYY!!! Then we come back on November 10th and a week late on November 17th, we're flying to Singapore to visit Carm, Jeju and Mikaela. We can't wait to see you guys again!


Do you guys remember the blog about me in Congo? Well Congo was a spiritually "high" experience for me, and the Bishop warned me that after a spiritually high experience, the devil comes at you hard and you may experience spiritual low. Well it happened to me, and it was aweful. For almost a month, I could not feel God's prescence. Despite all efforts (praying, quiet time, fasting, reading my Bible), I couldn't get out of the spiritual drought. I felt like a walking dead person, a zombie, just surviving day by day. I remember that my buddy Rick Warren wrote in his book 'The Purpose Driven Life', that no matter how much you feel or don't feel God's prescence, it will never change the fact the He accepted to be beaten and whipped and NAILED to a cross and die. That is what kept me going. That is why I kept praying and reading my Bible. About a week ago, God delivered me from my drought. It happened as I took communion and it was AWESOME! I was so relieved to know that it was over. God and I are back on track baby!

Christine lost her bag a couple of weeks ago. She was really bummed because in it were her Bible, some confidential mission stuff, and most importantly, a picture of me. Mostly though, she was upset about losing her Bible because it had all of her personal notes in it. It was lost for a few days, and here in Kenya, if you don't keep and eye on your stuff, it might just find it's way into someone else's hands. So this one day we had a liturgy and I prayed to St. George (who is well known for finding lost things) and Christine prayed to Baba Kyrollos to please go find her bag and bring it back. And wouldn't you know it....after that liturgy, she went upstairs to the Bishop's room and there it was, nicely propped up, sitting on a chair. She was so happy! Thank you St. George and Baba Kyrollos.

The missionary team prays often for the God to take the devil away from this place. It is a guarantee that where ever Jesus is at work, so is the devil. Well, the devil has gotten a bit creative. We received a letter from Revenue Canada stating that our last tax return has been re-examined and we owe them $7000. If that weren't enough, apparently our credit rating has been red-flagged (whatever that means). Christine and I got worried last night, but realized that it's just the devil trying to take away our peace. So immediately we prayed and asked God to take care of the situation for us, to bless my dad (who is helping us out), to bless the government people dealing with it, and to maintain our peace. On a personal note, money and credit ratings and whatever are not as important as they used to be. We both woke up this morning at peace, thanks to our Father.

I learned a really good lesson last weekend. After Sunday liturgy, the servants get together and talk about all the services. We had a problem that morning. Our Church (and our hospital) caters to the poor, so since our members do not have money to take the bus, we have our own bus that picks them up and takes them home. That morning, we had to take 215 people home, but the bus only holds about 200 (and it is PACKED). So we discussed it at the servant's meeting. We brainstormed about how to solve the problem. Each threw out an idea. We discussed it for almost half an hour and didn't come up with a good solution in the end. After the meeting, Christine and I went home and I realized something that made me feel sad and ashamed: At the beginning of the servants meeting, we prayed and asked God to please be with us in the meeting, but NOT ONE OF US asked Him for help with the 'bus problem'! God comes to the meeting, sits among us, and then we forget about Him for the rest of the meeting!!! I think that what we should have done is say to God, "God, we have 215 members that need a ride, but our bus only holds 200, please take care of it." I also think that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we would have turned to Him first. In retrospect, I am glad to have learned that lesson. I believe God wants us to turn to Him first, and I'm making a huge effort to do so, both with little things and big things.

Juan & Christine:

MCDN, we love you!!! This is your official pity shout-out! :) Don't forget about the mission website!

Thanks to Bossa and Ginger, who rebuked us for not blogging in so long. We know you guys care :)



Anonymous said...

i called you guys yesterday and you didnt answer!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan & Tina. Good to hear you guys are still doing well. I thought I'd send you a note to let you know that we miss you back here in Calgary, and TransCanada just isn't the same without you Juan. Nobody else seems to understand my jokes, and when i hear a good one I can no longer phone you. Also the Bobby dirty mouth counter is out of control. Just kididng.

Keep the posts coming, I still check em out every few days.

Unknown said...

You two are the most “non-missionary” missionaries we’ve ever met….going on a plethora of vacations like that! Anyways, Ginger and I are going on vacation this week, so we’ll talk to you guys in a couple of weeks.

BTW, Christine, did you eat any of the fish..?

Have fun and safe travels...

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip to singapore.
Love you,