Friday, October 10, 2008

Prayer Requests?

A few people have asked us to pray for them. I thought there might be a bunch of people who would like the mission to pray for them. Send us a comment with just your name, or include a bit of detail if you like (eg Please pray for my health - Janet). I will gather all the prayer requests and gather all the missionaries to pray about them.

Can somebody tell Abouna Aghathon to check his stminayouth email? I sent him an email but he has not responded.

We'd like to give a few shout outs:

Carm, Jeju & Mikaela, we can't wait to see you guys! Give Mocushla a big hug and kiss for me on her birthday. I can't believe she's already 1!

Mom and dad, I miss you guys so much. I can't wait to see you again.

Bossa, thank you for diligently reading and commenting on the blog :) You are our biggest fan! And don't worry, Tina was the one taking all the pictures because she was too scared to touch the elephants.

Mamma & Daddy & George, love you guys and miss you so much! mama, don't worry too hard...or else there won't be anytime for you to send the recipes, just kidding :)

Miryam, thank you for reading the blog. I think you're the only one from Church that reads it :) Tell the other youth to get off their seats and read it too! Say hi to the gang. I miss them all a lot.

Manny, it was nice to chat with you the yesterday. I miss you dearly little bro. Please go with Nashi to Spanish mass on Sundays, ok?

Prab & Shawn, we miss you guys so much! Prab, I got your text and I'm sorry for not replying, it's been so busy! We will pray for you and for Taco Del Mar to be successful. Make sure you save us one or two tacos for when we come, I've totally been craving one ever since I got your text :)

Arezou, I haven't heard from you in a while! send me an email about you-know-what, you-know-when at the you-know-where (j/k) But seriously, I miss you so much, keep us updated!!

Laura Fam, if you're reading this, keep us updated on your plans and if you're coming! We're are all very excited here!

Tia, if you're reading this, please let Alicia know that we've distributed the stickers and kids stuff she gave us and they love here! It really makes them happy to play with things like that because some of them have never had or seen them before. Thank you!! We also love you and miss you and Jim and Abuela and Alex a lot, please pass on the message to them.

Winn & Ginger, thank you for all the help with the banking stuff. You guys rock! I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you guys again. Say hi to Vinny and Geoff and his family.

My TCPL boys, let me know what's new! How is that dang SCADA system? Say hi to Brian for me, he probably never reads this blog, that little whippersnapper :)

Juan & Christine


Femmes Singapore said...

did you look into flights? let us know so we can get started on this end!

Anonymous said...

ok i am going to take you up on your prayer request offer. Please pray for direction for the people who see only closed doors everywhere and no way out. Please pray for the Lord to speak on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves by themselves. Please pray for forgiveness and "forgetness" from God and from each other (forgive and forget). Please pray for hope and faith that one day there will be deliverance and everything will be good again.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! This is Prab (and Shawn in spirit ;) ). I really miss you a lot. I miss when we baked together and our double dates. Come back fast!!

We are going to London and Paris for a few ays in December for Shawn's friend's engagement...any chance that you want to meet us in Paris?!! I don't know when an India trip will happen - I hope it happens next year, but i'm not sure at this point. I don't think Shawn will be able to take that much time off yet because of the business, but I hope it works out.

We will definitely save you tacos! You can have as many as you want when you get back! If you like, I can send you some raspberry ribbons :) Just let me know where to send them to!